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  • Outcome Harvesting

Outcome Harvesting

  • 07/13/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • Guest of GBEN

This event is being co-sponsored with the Seattle Evaluation Association (SEA). The registration for the event will be through SEA's website and it will cost non-AEA affiliate members $20. GBEN members: an affiliate code to use during the registration process was announced via email on July 5th, if you did not receive the code or have any other questions about this event, email us at greaterbostoneval@gmail.com

As evaluators, many of us are exploring ways to bring our mindsets and toolkits into deeper alignment with the work of social justice and equity.  One potentially promising approach - Outcome Harvesting (OH) - may be unfamiliar because it’s rarely applied to programs in the USA.  

OH was developed by Ricardo Wilson-Grau to evaluate social change initiatives by focusing on shifts in behavior. OH uses retrospective logic for identifying emerging outcomes in complex systems. OH does not conform to the linear, predictive assumptions built into most culturally Western evaluation approaches, so it may also resonate as a form of cultural responsiveness. 

In this thought-provoking webinar, Michelle Garred (Ripple Peace Research & Consulting) will introduce the OH approach, and Min Ma and Susan Putnins (MXM Research Group) will illustrate how they are using OH to evaluate a New England community health coalition focused on the intersection of racial equity and mental health. We will close with a discussion centered on the question: To what extent do you see OH as potentially useful for evaluating social justice and equity efforts in the USA? 

If you’d like to read ahead, check out:

Greater Boston Evaluation Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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