On March 18th, Kimberly A. Truong, Ph.D. (she/her/hers/they/them/theirs) from XEM Consulting Services presented an overview of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to 33 GBEN members. Kim briefly discussed the history of CRT, which began in the 1970s, and touched upon many of the people who have contributed to CRT throughout the years. Along with the history of CRT, Kim wove in what is happening currently in the country using a CRT lens. One point mentioned during the presentation was understanding the potential intersectionality of issues or topics and it isn’t “either/or”. Before breaking into small groups, two case studies were presented to begin discussions on how us as evaluators could use CRT within our work. The three small groups, led by GBEN DEI committee members Ben Faust, Patience Misner, and Susan Putnins, discussed three of the CRT tenets (Permanence of Racism, Experiential Knowledge, and Committed to Social Justice) and how it applies to evaluation and how we can use CRT to inform our own work.
A non-exhaustive list of people and readings/publications for more learning: